Ed receives the second card when Daryl and Keith break in to his house and beat him up. Why are they at his house? Why do they beat him up? Why do they deliver the card with a letter? Why does Ed get a letter with the card? What important information does Ed "learn" from the letter? Who do you think the letter is from? What do you think Ed is going to do now? Explain your answer in at least 7 sentences. :-)
I think they went there to get the gun, give him the card, give him the letter, and to tell him that the guy on Edgar street he was suppose to kill has boarded a train and is gone.
i think the letter was sent to let him know that he is doing a good job but if he messes up its not going to go well, he's life depends on it. I think he is starting to really worry about the cards and what they have him do. He asks his friends for advise on whats what, so then he can have a better idea about what to do.
My opinion i would find out who is sending the cards and talk to him and find out why him?
This second part of the book is awesome. But Daryl and Keith are at his house because they were given an assignment to do so. They have a new card and a letter to go with it. The card says "say a prayer at the stones of home". I don't quite get what it means but i bet its very intresting.
Daryl and Keith are at Ed's house because they are there to deliver the message and his next card. They beat him up because they were told to, it was their job and they got paid for it. I don't think the card was delivered with a letter. More like the letter was delivered with the card. Ed learns that the Edgar Street man has run away and left town. So hopefully none of that bull crap will happen anymore. He gets the letter because the "Boss" of the "Show" wants to let him know how things are going and wants to communicate. I don't really know what Ed is going to do now. I have a feeling it has something to do with the hooker. We will just have to wait and see!
They are at his house, to teach him a lesson to why he should of killed the man. But also show him what its like to what he did to the guy. The card& letter were delivered to show that he is doing his job, that someone is actually watching what he's doing and watching it. I don't know who it might be from. But I think Ed is going to go by what the cards still say.
I think they are at Ed's house because he didn't follow through on killing tat guy. I think they beat him up because they want the gun and maybe thats their way of getting what they want. I think they deliver the card with a letter so that who ever is being the messenger is not known. Ed learns that what he has to do is going to be tough and he might not want to do it. I think the letter may be from someone he knows well. I think Ed is going to do whatever he has to do to so there is not another possibilty of getting beat up in his own house again.
They were told to do such things like beat him up and deliver the letter. Ed learns that he's doing a very good job. He was informed that the rapist left town and would not be coming back. They were also pleased with the way he handled that situation I think the letter is from the "boss". Now i think ed is going to find out where he needs to go and who he needs to meet for the clubs.
I think the two guys were there because they had to get the gun from Ed,and they delievered the letter.I think they beat him up because the guy from edgar st,wasnt killed so i guess you can say its payback. Ed is handleing the situations very good,and the letter that he got i think he will hadle great too. This book is getting even better cant wait to see what happens next(:
i think that they were their because they had to give him the other card. and i think they beat the dude up because they didnt kill the guy they were supposed to. hey probly gave him the card to let him no how he was doing. i think the letter if from a big guy and was sent to his house by his little helper.
They are at Ed's house because they needed to get the gun and deliver the card. Also, to tell him he was supposed to kill the guy on Edgar Street. I think they beat him up because he didn't do what he was told to do. I think that Daryl and Keith are the one's who wrote the letter and they want him to know that he is handling things well. I think Ed is going to figure out what the Ace of Clubs means. I think he is going to go all for it and continue what he has started.
They were there to collect the gun and deliver the next card. They show up at his house to catch him off guard. I think they beat him up really for a lack of a reason. The card is delivered with the letter to inform Ed of is good work and well handling of the situations. Ed also learns from the letter that the man from Edgar Street has boarded a train and left town. I can't really say who the letter is from yet. I believe that Ed is going to complete the next card.
they come to his house to give him the message. i think they beat him up to show that they are serious. the boss wants to let ed know that he is doing a good job just keep it up. he learns that the edgar street man has jumped on a train and went to a little coal mining town. i think he is going to do what the card says.
Well... Obviously there at his house to give him the card, and a letter... I think they beat him up to make sure that he needs to be giving the messages right. & They deliver a card with the letter because it was telling him that he was doing a good job, but also that with the guy on Edgar Street he was getting on a train. But he didn't do what he was suppose to do, & that his life depends on him doing the tasks right. I honestly have no idea who the cards are coming from & I don't have any clues either. I think that Ed knows what he has to do & that if he messes up then its his life.
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